Project Shriveling world developer documentation
From a transport network between cities to a set of three-dimensional graphical objects
The model is based on a transport network linking cities (see conceptual framework for geographical time-space representation). More explanations about the terminology choices can be found here.
Mathematical and graphical objects:
- The graph representing this transport network is made of cities and edges (interfaces IEdges). The graph can be accessed at the city level in the form of a subgraph centred on a given city: interface ICityGraph.
- The graph is explored for implementing the parameters of curves and [cones] in the function networkFromCities, one of the most important of the project
- Edges are the vertices of the graph; edges are only mathematical entities, not to be confounded with their graphical expression as curves
- Curves are the graphical objects representing the graph edges; in the model, curves may be represented as (depending on the value of the user defined parameter 'pointsPerCurve', accessed from the menu Curves, nb of points):
- straight lines, ('pointsPerCurve'=1)
- broken lines as two segments with one intermediate point, ('pointsPerCurve'=2)
- geodesics or
- three dimensional curves approximating a Bézier curve ('pointsPerCurve'>2, value higher than 50 recommended)
- Cones are generated from an angle alpha computed by comparing the (terrestrial) speed on the cone with the speed of the fastest transport mode considered in the given period
- Cones may have a constant and uniform slope based on a unique alpha
- Cones may have a different slope
- (not yet implemented) cones may have different slopes (complex alphas) if different terrestrial transport networks are considered
Data model
The data model of Shriveling world: